Requests for Services – Get Help

Families are usually introduced to Home-Start by someone such as a health visitor, social worker, midwife or family worker, but you can contact us direct as a self-referral. 

Please can we ask that you have the Family’s permission before you contact us. 

Firstly we will need some Family details so to complete a ‘referral form’.

Within a few days one of our co-ordinators will then get in touch with the Family direct and arrange a convenient time to visit them at home.

When our co-ordinator contacts the Family they will tell the Family about Home-Start, explain the kind of support we can offer, answer any questions that they may have about our service and organisation and explain what will happen next.

If the Family would like to have one of our volunteers to visit them then the co-ordinator will look to identify a suitably trained volunteer and make arrangements to introduce the volunteer to the Family. 

If you have any questions about requesting our services or want more information about how we can help then please call 0113 244 2419 and ask to speak to one of our co-ordinators or you can email us at [email protected] with your contact details and we will get in touch with you.

Please note that during the pandemic we are still accepting new requests for our services but our support to families is by phone only or, if outside, then social distancing will be applied at all times.