Our Services

Parent to Parent

We are currently accepting referrals for Families based City Wide in Leeds who need support to:

  • Improve child’s behaviour- build resilience and coping strategies, bonding with parent, enjoy play, social interaction with peers and other adults.
  • Reduce isolation through volunteer support to enable access to social activities and health appointments.
  • Improve child’s health and wellbeing to include healthy eating and exercise, self-awareness

Families are encouraged to develop independence through Volunteer support. 

Parent to Parent is looked after by Hannah, Kacie and Michelle. Parent to Parent is funded by the Big Lottery Community Funding.

Perinatal Service

To promote and support the importance of early attachment by educating and empowering families who feel low in mood, stressed following a birth of their baby.

The Perinatal Service is looked after by Hermeet and Jade.. Perinatal is funded by Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service / NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Car Board

Dad Matters Leeds

Dad Matters Leeds supports Dads to have the best possible relationship with their families.

Dad Matters Leeds is looked after by Darren. Dad Matter Leeds is funded by Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service / NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Car Board

Leeds Doulas

Leeds Doulas supports mums 6 weeks either side of baby’s birth – the service is currently in development.

Leeds Doulas is looked after by Nicola. Leeds Doulas is funded NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board

Family Ties

Launched in January 2023 our new service supports:

  • Kinship Carers – non-parents including Grandparent, Siblings and Friends looking after non-birth children
  • Reunification Parents – parents being reunified with their children after a period of time in Kinship or State Care.

Family Ties is looked after by Clare and Rachel. Family Ties is funded by Reaching Communities Lottery Funding

Dad Matters Calderdale

Home-Start Leeds has been comissioned to provide a Dad Matters service acorss the Calderdale Council area.

Dad Matters Calderdale will support Dads to have the best possible relationship with their families.

Dad Matters Calderdale is looked after by Matthew. Dad Matters Calderdale is funded by Calderdale Council

My Life

My Life is a ‘pilot service‘ working with  parents who are at risk of, or who have had repeat removals of child(ren) from their care.  

We will support parents to reflect on and address behaviours that lead to having or have led the removal of a child to develop new life skills for an improved future; and in doing so improve their mental wellbeing and reduce the likelihood of further child(ren) removal. 

This is a referral only service for:  Social Work Teams  Health Service Teams Third Sector Organisations

My Life is looked after by Nicola. My Life is funded by Jimbo’s Fund

Young Parent Care Leavers

Our support helps build independence after leaving a care setting. Supporting young parents to parent effectively through positive role modelling from our volunteers. Encourage young parents to access other services to help them along their parenting journey. 

Young Care Leavers is looked after by Michelle..

New Start

Dad Matters Calderdale is funded by Calderdale Council

Supporting parents during pregnancy when there are concerns in relation to the care, safety and wellbeing of the infant, particularly those subject to a “child and family pre-birth assessment”.

New Start is looked after by Nicola & Michelle.